full-time course

美 [fʊl taɪm kɔːrs]英 [fʊl taɪm kɔːs]
  • 全日制课程
full-time coursefull-time course
  1. Your eligibility is restricted to only one eligible full-time course at any one time .


  2. Gayle : I suppose you 're talking about a full-time course , but that 's not the only option you know .


  3. Students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored


  4. You could sign on for a full-time course in word processing .


  5. Developed a full-time course of the compulsory education standards .


  6. Privately arranged full-time course of study


  7. Many follow a two-year , full-time course because they wish to take stock and radically alter their career .


  8. Conversely , it would be inconceivable for a full-time course to be conducted in an Internet vacuum .


  9. Only DSO can approve less than a full-time course load , and only for specified reasons such as academic or medical difficulties .


  10. You are entitled to claim child allowance in respect of your son if he studies a full-time course , which means he receives full-time education .


  11. Stanford 's business school , voted best in the world by the Financial Times this year , will add a full-time course in Cryptocurrency in May 2018 .


  12. The determined young man really struggled to make ends meet , working a part-time job in a restaurant in his spare time to fund his full-time course at medical school .


  13. The number of British people who applied for a full-time university course fell by 8.7 % this year , according to figures published by the universities and Colleges Admissions Service on January 30th .


  14. The full-time MBA course has students from 27 countries , while only about 10 per cent of the intake for the Kellogg-HKUST programme is from Hong Kong , with two-fifths from outside of the city .


  15. Mixed full-time craft level course


  16. Sloan has a small undergraduate programme and the Sloan Fellows programme , a full-time , one-year course for seasoned managers .


  17. The education reform is extremely urgent . In the new The Full-time Ordinary High School Course Program ( a Revised version of the Trial ) promulgated by the Ministry of Education in 1999 , research studying is put on the list of national teaching program .


  18. The new " full-time compulsory education music course standard " has shown a series of new music education ideas , and is promoting the reform and development of basic music education ; Meanwhile , the adjustment and enrichment from knowledge structure of teacher 's music speciality is urgent too .
